Biography: US-born fine art photographer specialising in intricate floral studies and stunning seascapes


In 2019, Steve and his family settled in Worthing in West Sussex, where his love of photography was reignited by the beauty of the Sussex Downs, the local shoreline and the sea. Surrounded by nature and with an artist’s studio already built in the garden, his photographic focus on seascapes and floral portraits was almost inevitable. The restrictions of the Covid-19 pandemic imposed a time and space to distil his art, allowing Steve to focus on refining and redefining his practice over this period to produce the intricate and skilfully composed photographs that characterise his work.


Steve's finely-detailed work reflects the very different ways in which moments in time are captured and immortalised, contrasting the dramatic immediacy of the mutable moods of the seas, with the stillness and delicacy of single blooms as they reveal their intricate and fragile natures.


Most recently, Steve has expanded his work into new media, including 3D lenticular prints and works on glass, aluminium and cloth. These new treatments further enhance his reputation as a talented fine art photographer whose work captures the timeless beauty of nature in innovative and unique artworks.


Steve's work hangs in private homes throughout the UK and as far afield as the USA and Australia. In 2024, his work will be exhibited in Sussex, London, Seattle, New York and Miami. His 3D Lenticular works are available for purchase via Cube Gallery in London: